Have you ever dreamed of becoming a household name? What about a bestselling author or the number one expert in your field? Or are you simply looking to take your business to the next level? Whatever your ultimate goals in business and life are, it all starts with building relationships, not just any relationships but authentic relationships that will attract people to you and bring clients, profits, and notability. My guest for this episode used this exact strategy to go from a $42,000 a year salary to now running a multi-seven-figure business. Her name is Selena Soo. She's helped many dozens of clients crack the publicity code, connecting with powerful influencers, building fan bases, and forging lasting relationships with people that matter in their industry. What Selena does is much more than your average PR agency. In a world where having a social media strategy is no longer enough, her insights will help you understand what sets truly remarkable people apart from everyone else and how to attract and build influence in the real world. 
