Jeni Hott, also known as ‘brilliant Jeni’, is a professional blogger at the top of her game. Jeni makes millions of dollars while only having to work once every three to four months, and traveling the world. Jeni is well known for her passive income blogging strategies. She has over 100 million visitors to her blog, has moved from Google AdSense to Affiliate marketing, and uses online forums as a way to encourage her fans to provide feedback on the engaging content they want to see. She loves to help others, and now enjoys teaching others how to design the lifestyle they dream of, using her genius techniques.




When you think about starting a blog, do you think it could lead to making millions of dollars per year? Well, it’s possible, and Jeni Hott is here to teach us how. She shares an important lesson-we're working too hard, and not automating enough of our lives. Jeni turned her blog into a profit center, quickly becoming a seven-figure blogger, able to take off several months and even years at a time without hurting her income. Turning your blog into a real marketing channel is a possibility, and Jeni is going to tell us how.
We discuss:

How to connect with your fans through natural human needs. Forums vs. Blogging and how to use them to your advantage. How to manage reader content on your site. Living life exactly how you want-and automating the rest.

For complete shownotes and more, please head over to


Busines Mastery 2

Platinum Partnership

Kevin Kelly 1,000 True Fans

Dr. John Demartini's Values Determination process

Unleash the Power Within



The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

The Web Master


Google AdSense

The Optimized Geek





Head over to later this year to find Jeni's course that will either be given away for free or all proceeds go to charity. Decide what you want for your life and build your business around that. How often do you want to work? Build a marketing plan around the six human needs-how can you meet at least three of them each week?


As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it!

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