Brad Costanzo is an entrepreneur and growth strategist who helps business owners grow and expand. Like me, he’s also a podcast host, and he’ll share some words of wisdom specific to podcasters! Most of the episode, though, is relevant to anyone who wants to expand or create their business regardless of industry. He offers creative tips and insights that you can apply to your own situation. Check out this episode whether you’re an ultra-successful business owner, someone considering starting a new business or podcast, or anywhere in between.

Find Out More About Brad Here:

Bacon Wrapped Business
Costanzo Marketing Group
@BradCostanzo on Twitter
Brad Costanzo on LinkedIn
[email protected]

In This Episode: [01:28] - Brad talks about web strategy and shares what he discusses at the event where he and Stephan met. [06:28] - Stephan ties what Brad has been saying to the reason why the railroads went out of business. He and Brad then rave about the docuseries The Men Who Built America. [08:17] - The questions Brad has been talking about are his starting points, he explains. He also discusses leapfrog theory. [12:01] - Is Brad acquiring entire businesses, or just websites? It depends, he answers. He then talks about how he finds his deals. [15:49] - What Brad has been saying reminds Stephan of signs that say “we’ll buy your house for cash.” [18:38] - Stephan is reminded of something he learned at a real estate investing seminar: look at the rental section of a newspaper to find a property to buy. Brad then shares his thoughts on creating access to the assets you need. [21:54] - Brad brings up something that he talks a lot about on his podcast: access and influence. [24:32] - We hear more about leasing a website with the option to buy, which is something Brad has done recently. [27:11] - Brad and Stephan discuss Jay Abraham, who has been on Marketing Speak twice. [28:18] - Stephan has bought some websites for relatively small amounts of money, starting at $500, he explains. [31:33] - What has been Brad’s best deal so far? [34:33] - Brad has worked with brokers, but has never bought through one, only sold through them. He shares his thoughts on brokers. [38:25] -Does Brad have an example of using Jay Abraham’s strategy for something outside of acquiring websites or businesses? [43:27] - Stephan offers an example that he heard at the latest Podcast Movement conference. He then shares how he got into an event that he couldn’t afford at the time. [47:54] - As podcasters, the #1 thing we want is access to listeners, Brad points out. He then discusses some creative ways of reaching this goal. [52:44] - Stephan is reminded that he did a similar sort of triangulation last week. [54:52] - The big-picture thinking is Brad’s favorite thing to do, but also the hardest thing to do for himself rather than other people, he explains. Stephan then offers his advice on how to overcome this problem. [58:30] - Brad responds to Stephan’s suggestion. [61:29] - How can listeners get in touch with Brad or learn more? Links and Resources: Bacon Wrapped Business Costanzo Marketing Group @BradCostanzo on Twitter Brad Costanzo on LinkedIn [email protected] The Men Who Built America Leapfrog theory Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer Flippa Robert Allen on Marketing Speak Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty by Harvey Mackay Jay Abraham on Marketing Speak: Build Your Business With The Strength Of The Parthenon Jay Abraham on Marketing Speak: Using SEO to Its Full Potential The Science of SEO Quiet Light Brokerage Podcast Movement Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins Dave Asprey Byron Katie on the Optimized Geek Donny Epstein


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