In episode #1581, we share what our top performing blog posts all have in common. Spoiler alert, it's luck! In the end you cannot control the engagement that your content draws, you can only work hard, practice, and repeat. So, if you do this long enough, eventually something you post will catch on in a big way. Tune in to hear our tips for sticking with it so that you can get lucky too!


[00:25] Today’s topic: Our Top Performing Blog Posts and the One Thing They Have in Common. [00:35] The power and elusive nature of luck!  [01:01] Cranking out content so that some of it will inevitably stick. [01:33] The harder you work, the luckier you get — the meeting point of opportunity and preparation. [02:12] Staying consistent and creating good content through research, hard work, and repetition. [03:22] Developing a thick skin to losing and failing. [04:29] That’s it! [04:31] To stay updated with events and learn more about our mastermind, go to the Marketing School site for more information or call us on 310-349-3785!


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Tim Ferriss

Gary V


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