In this episode, guest Brian Q. Davis shares tips on:

Changing your mindset as consumer and patient attention changes so you get the most out of your marketing budget
Sorting out how to connect people who are at a high level of uncertainty with the resources that could assist their outcome
Recognizing how many ideal patients are online
Keeping up with the pace of technology, reach and consumer behavior
Investing marketing dollars to align with the objectives of the organization
Defining your marketing outcome and strategizing to accomplish it
Operating in the Golden Age of healthcare marketing
Demanding more so you can deliver a great online experience to your patients in their moments of need
Knowing when to get help because things may change too rapidly for your in-house team to keep up

Listen in as Brian Q. Davis joins Bill Klaproth to share his best marketing advice for your business.

Get in touch with Brian:
Scorpion Healthcare Internet Marketing

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