Welcome back to the Marketing Mindset Mastery Radio Show, with your host, Marie Mason. Our next guest, Kathy Svetina is a Financial Puzzle Solver for Women-Owned Businesses and owner of Fractional CFO. Kathy helps business owners get clear on their numbers and create a financial strategy so that they can make decisions that lead to a healthy and sustainable business. Today’s topic is Financial planning for your business.

Marketing Mindset Mastery is broadcast live Thursdays at 6PM ET.

Marketing Mindset Mastery TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com).

Marketing Mindset Mastery Radio Show is broadcast on W4CY Radio (www.w4cy.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com).

Marketing Mindset Mastery Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com).