Are you stuck in a dollars-for-hours business model in your health coaching business? Are you selling one-off sessions and it's keeping you stuck on the hamster wheel of constantly having to go out there and drum up new clients? There's a better way.

When you shift your business model to selling coaching packages - not just single sessions - you're able to get better results for your clients, charge premium rates, create more ease in your business, sell your services more easily, and make more money!

In this episode, I go through the major advantages to pivoting your business from a one-off session model into a package model, and I also break down a step-by-step process for how to create premium packages that will be irresistible to your potential clients.

How packages will empower you to sell the outcome of your services (rather than time with you) My 6-step process for creating your coaching programs and packages How to adjust your marketing message when you begin selling packages The key decisions you need to make when designing your programs What to include in your packages to support premium prices

...and so much more!

Complete show notes: