Allie Bloyd is a local marketing expert helping local business businesses and marketers maximize their return on investment by implementing new technologies, marketing strategies, sales processes, content plans, and more. No worries, you can easily apply her framework to your online course business.

In this episode

The difference between an offer and a product When to use gated content, loss leader and preview offers How each offer type can generate leads - and when The huge mistake of not testing which offer performs best - and how to know for sure what will be worth your ads budget The gold in having the perfect organic audience and why you should avoid the mistake of taking their input of face value How to deal with content overwhelm  The 6 criteria for a perfect offer: I.N.S.A.N.E. How the wrong offer can derail you from your goals even if you are successful in your advertising campaigns When limiting beliefs or lack of knowledge on the potential customer's side stand in the way of what you want to convey and what you want to offer Exactly how to test ads and optimise your ads budget  The leg work you need to do before even thinking about ads

Find Allie's I.N.S.A.N.E. framework for creating the perfect offer along with more information and links at:

And please!

If you found this episode valuable, go and support Allie by buying her poetry book on Amazon and provide a review. It costs less than a great cup of coffee and a cookie! 📚


Allie's poetry book on Amazon: 

If you are looking to create your first online course or fix sales for the one you already have, join us in the free group Course Creators Café on Facebook.