In this weeks Marketing Made Easy from Get Savvy Club, Anita Baldwin & Anna Geary speak to serial entrepreneur JT Foxx.

JT Foxx is a private equity fund manager, a serial entrepreneur of many companies across all sectors, an investor in companies & property, and the World’s #1 Wealth & Business Coach. He has business interests in over 54 countries and is a former media personality having had his own self-syndicated radio show called the JT Foxx Show in the United States and Canada, which now has moved to his highly-popular MillionaireFlix platform. He has appeared on major news media networks across the globe in addition to the features in Forbes and various print magazine covers as well as multiple radio shows.

JT Foxx has been described by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak as the "Closest thing to Steve Jobs he has ever met". 

Although a great compliment, in JT's eyes no one will ever come close to one of his biggest inspirations to success!

Anita & Anna talk to JT about how he manages all his different, varying businesses, dealing with lockdown after usually flying around the world attending many events & of course the new social media, audio only platform Clubhouse! 

Although the Get Savvy Club & JT are worlds apart, Anita & JT have been likened to Simon Cowell in the past (Anna is more Graham Norton😅). They discuss why & how this no nonsense, straight talking approach gets results & helps people in their businesses much faster.

JT coaches 3-5 people for free every day to give back, you can find out more about JT here:




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