On this weeks episode of Marketing Made Easy from Get Savvy Club, Anita Baldwin & Anna Geary spoke with Natasha Bray.

Going from maternity leave to million dollar business in just 3 years, Natasha is a Multi-Award Winning Success Mastery Coach & Transformational Pioneer in the business success industry. 

She helps high achievers and rising leaders heal childhood wounds and rapidly unlock their Ultimate Uplevel through her 4 level healing approach, Success Imprinting™. 

With over 14 years experience in transformational work, working with thousands of entrepreneurs across 52 countries worldwide her work has helped women break through to higher levels of love, money and success in as little as 33 days. She has been featured in local and national papers and she is recognised as one of the top entrepreneurs in her country.



Success Saboteur quiz: https://www.natashabray.co.uk/success-saboteur-archetype/


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