Ep #77 - This is a Marketing Geeks Bonus Episode with marketing news updates recorded on October 15th, 2019  First and foremost, we learn today that Facebook may allow for misinformation in political ads, but they do draw the line somewhere. That's right Facebook has started banning political ads from the president and several top democratic candidates, but not for lies. Instead, Facebook has cited the source as profanity and "fake button" for the ad removals. If you're like me, you may be wondering, "What is a fake button?" Well, you're in luck, because our research team here at Marketing Geeks has identified the source of fake buttons as buttons that are embedded within images. So, if you see an ad with perhaps a "yes" and a "no" button, but its embedded in the image, this is high stakes trickery because no matter where you click, you're going to the same destination. So, whatever you do on Facebook, don't fake your buttons. 

Other stories covered today include print advertising being passed by digital advertising on a global scale, LinkedIn rolling out a new feature for company page admins, YouTube ad updates allowing reserved placements, and South Park triggering its own censorship on the Chinese internet.  Last, we welcome the long awaited return of the sex robot report. It's all here in this very special jam-packed bonus edition of Marketing Geeks. 

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Andros Sturgeon: https://www.linkedin.com/in/androssturgeon 

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