On this episode of Communicate for Good, Erica gives thanks to a woman for sending in her insightful note regarding one of Claxon Communication’s resources, The Wordifier. Her note acknowledges that when we talk about language and our choice in words we are doing ourselves a disservice if the sole metric of our choice is to measure the overuse and frequency in those words. We must also be considering inclusive, identity and people first language and that as communicators we are charged with asking - what do we need to say and how can we do better?

Erica also discusses the power behind tools such as The Wordifier and Generative AI for sourcing words, but also the importance in applying human discernment when ultimately choosing words from these tools.

Resources referenced:

The Wordifier


Connect with Erica:

Website: https://claxon-communication.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericabarnhart/

Email: [email protected]  

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