Hernan is excited to announce that very soon, he will launch a new program called Perfect Ads. Click here to get on the waiting list!

Could your business use a boost right now? Listen, as Hernan shares three things that you can do today to move your business forward. One way that Hernan suggests is payment plans for high-end products, another is continuity programs, and a third is to build your audience today for the future. Hernan explains why he believes doing these simple things will move your business forward during this trying time plus more in this episode of Marketing Atlas.

If you are running Facebook ads, you know it can get complicated. Hernan has condensed several years of experience and millions of dollars in advertising in a straightforward guidebook. Use this guide whenever you are running Facebook ads, so you have a template to use. Go to Facebook Ads Guide 2020 to download your copy.

If you would like a free copy of Advertising 2020, a class that will show you how to make Facebook ads work better, leave your name and address in the comments, and Hernan will make sure you get a copy. 

If you want to increase the number of customers you have, increase the number of transactions, meaning the value of those customers with your company, or increase the frequency of purchases from customers download a copy of my brand new book PERPETUAL Profits

In This Episode:

[00:37] What’s up everybody?!

[01:58] Hernan shares three things that you can do to move your business forward.

[02:28] Setting up a payment plan for high-end products will allow you to sell the products but make it easier for the buyer.

[04:49] A second option that works well is low continuity programs.

[06:37] The third important thing is to build audiences.

[08:03] Hernan recaps the three things that you can do to move your business forward.

[08:51] for the waiting list for Hernan’s new program.

[09:26] I Hope everyone is staying safe, and I will see you real soon.

Find Hernan:

Hernan Vazquez










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