Are you getting quality leads from your Facebook ads? Listen as your host, Hernan Vazquez, shares his two-step approach to getting higher quality leads. If you are getting lots of leads but then no shows when they have scheduled calls, it might be time to try this approach and filter the leads before you send them to process.


Filtering your ads is very inexpensive right now, and it allows you to get leads from people who want to do business with you. The cost per lead may go up, but you have a smaller audience of people who engage with your content. Most people focus on generating as many leads as possible, but ask yourself how many of those leads buy something from you?


If you want to write advertising that compels people to, you can learn Hernan's approach to writing great ads by getting on the waitlist for his new workshop, Perfect Ads.  Get it now while it is still at a discounted price.


Learn more about the profit loop in Hernan's recent book, PERPETUAL Profits; if you would like a copy, here.


If you would like a free copy of Advertising 2020, a class that will show you how to make Facebook ads work better, leave your name and address in the comments, and he will make sure you get a copy. Also, to go in-depth on what Hernan is sharing today, a copy of the Facebook Ads Guide 2020.


For more information on how to use Facebook advertising campaigns, my Facebook Ads Guidebook, and my Free Ads Cheat Sheet.


In This Episode:

[00:36] Hello everybody!

[01:02] Hernan speaks about getting quality leads with your ads.

[01:30] Are you getting a lot of leads but no shows when you have scheduled phone calls?

[02:06] Most people focus on the process of generating leads.

[02:40] Hernan shares his approach to getting leads for high ticket services.

[03:05] Filter first on the ads, then send it to the process.

[04:04] Hernan speaks about running video views campaigns and only targeting those people who engage with their content.

[06:08] You don't want to send just anyone to your sales funnel, only send the ones who are interested in what you are offering.

[06:35] Your cost for lead will go up because you are filtering them and have a smaller audience.

[08:13] Hernan recaps his two-step approach.

[08:51] Another benefit is that filtering right now is very cheap.

[09:11] I Hope that this helps!

[09:41] Thank you. See you next week.

Find Hernan:

Hernan Vazquez

Marketing Atlas








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