If you are running Facebook ads, you know it can get complicated. Hernan has condensed several years of experience and millions of dollars in advertising in a straightforward guidebook. Use this guide whenever you are running Facebook ads, so you have a template to use. Go to Facebook Ads Guide 2020 to download your copy.

If you hire a Facebook ads agency before you are ready, you will not have results. Listen as your host, Hernan Vazquez discusses the main point of an agency and what it takes for them to run a successful Facebook ads campaign. Hernan shares some things that you must have in place before hiring an agency makes sense.

Hernan shares that you must have a proven offer and not be in a hurry to hire an agency. He also says that we cannot advertise banned items on Facebook, so make sure you know what those things are before you lose money. Hernan believes that the best way to see if your ads are working is to run the ads yourself and learn the platform first before hiring someone else.

If you want to know how Hernan went from selling articles for $4 to spending 7 million + in advertising last year, go to the NO B.S. Advertising Club.

If you would like a free copy of Advertising 2020, a class that will show you how to make Facebook ads work better, leave your name and address in the comments, and Hernan will make sure you get a copy. Also, to go in-depth on what Hernan is sharing today, a copy of the Facebook Ads Guide 2020.

If so, you need to go to  PERPETUAL Profits and download Hernan’s new book. In this book, he shares his three-step process for skyrocketing profits by getting more customers, increasing the amount of money the customers are spending, and increasing the frequency of when they buy.

For more information on how to use Facebook advertising campaigns, my Facebook Ads Guidebook, and my Free Ads Cheat Sheet.


In This Episode:

[00:36] Hello everybody!

[00:55] What is the point of an ads agency?

[02:12] Hernan shares where you need to be to hire a Facebook Ads agency.

[02:55] The first thing you must have is an offer that is working.

[03:47] The second thing is that if you are in a hurry, you don’t want to hire a Facebook Ads agency.

[06:14] Are you promoting a banned product?

[07:18] The fourth is to have a policy audit in place before running your ads.

[08:10] The fifth thing is to run your ads yourself to see how the platform works.

[09:04] A proven offer and proven service is the most important thing you have to have before hiring an ad agency.

[10:15] Thank you for listening to the show!


Find Hernan:

Hernan Vazquez

Marketing Atlas








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