Check out this episode of the Robert Plank Show (podcast) where we discuss how you can become a self-published author this week using Kindle and CreateSpace. I've published six full-length paperback books using Amazon in just a few clicks by uploading a Word document and a cover graphic (designed by someone else for $5), and I honestly believe that for your business to survive long-term, you need a book to keep building your tribe and your list. Topics include:

The best way to discover your book's hook ("teaching" is not enough when publishing your book!)
What type of book is best for you (interview book, bathroom book, business card book, or sales letter book)
Secrets of the best selling book covers and listings
How to make that book completely unique in a way that no one else can copy it
How to generate more than enough content for your book in about an hour
How to promote your book once it's out there (this is what most people miss)
And more!

"Become a Published Author This Week" FREE Report

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