Brought to you by the Agency Expansion Retreat. Join Mike in sunny Mexico this November to learn how to create sustainability and growth in your agency. More details at

Karan Nijhawan is the Founder of The Expansion Project, a movement that focuses on helping dentists design their dream life while overcoming self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the feeling of not being “good enough”. He's an Expansive Life Coach, podcaster, actor, and helps people create their dream life in months, instead of years. Since starting the company 5 years ago, he’s hosted over 200+ dinners, events, workshops, and retreats, helping people worldwide create a better life that they don’t need a vacation from. He’s also worked with major companies like Forbes, Staples, and Providence Healthcare, hosting workshops around happiness and fulfillment. He is on a mission to help dental professionals across the world overcome self-doubt, worry, and social isolation....all while maximizing their (not-so-promised) 4,000 weeks. 

Show Notes:

0:15: Intro to Karan.

2:50: 4000 weeks - How do help someone to gain this perspective?

5:25: What is 4,000 weeks?

8:00: How does someone use the 4000 weeks method?

11:55: Intro to Karan’s dog licking the mic

13:15: How to frame ‘what you want’ in your mind.

15:20: After you know what you want, what are the next steps?

22:15: Final step of the 4,000 weeks.

4,000 Weeks Rundown:

Step 1: Understand/Embodying 4,000 weeks

Step 2: What do you want to be, do and have?

Step 3: SVA: Smallest Viable Action

Step 4: ZOR: Zone of Resistance

Find Karan at:


In this episode, Karan mentions: 

The Expansion Project


The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

The Gap vs The Gain by Dan Sullivan