Amy Hrehovcik is an amazing leader with incredible ideas. Everyone should be a leader like this in some way. It’s strange how different we all think our jobs are. At the core, we should all lead something. And even families are, in a sense, tech firms now with all the software and services we must master. We all share that we go to work with a group of people to advance the situation of another group, internal or external to our firm. We get paid to benefit others. But it turns out we share some specialized tasks we don't even realize. Getting to know new people in a great way is just one of the interactions that all great leaders share. Here are nine others below. You’ll want to listen to Amy’s take on each of these in my Episode 16:

· The conversation with others about work.

· The conversation with yourself when you first wake.

· The conversation with a new person each day.

· The conversation to challenge another to a better future.

· The conversation to holdup one’s value over lesser alternatives.

· The conversation to describe uniqueness instead of just strength.

· The group conversation to orchestrate agreement.

· The conversation to get acquainted with a friends’ friend.

· The conversation to make a case expertly.

· The conversation to create a consensus of feeling.

Our job to create joy for others is our common ground. For example, I unstick opportunity. I do it for mid-size, company leadership. I specialize in the tech industry--every company today.

“Serving” is too passive today. See if you can see a pattern in a more granular example. In a previous episode, $8-billion CEO, Ken Lamneck said his most important job as a leader was to network to create new relationships. By far, the most important way a salesperson gains new business is to proactively develop referrals—create new relationships. The best product leaders practice continuous product discovery, part of which is to create new relationships with prospects and ask about their needs. Perhaps one more. Technologist are problem solving most of every day. The hundreds of I have worked with make it clear that a favorite tool is asking former colleagues to suggest new contacts who could be asked for the missing solution.

In today's episode, we offer detailed strategies to master the conversations below. I took anxiously after my interview with Amy. I loved everything Amy had to say and ate it up—such great insights on the art of challenging, leadership conversations in life’s work! Her are my high-level notes from one of these key conversations:

The conversation with a new person each day.

Once we get ourselves going, then comes the second difficult conversation. Listen carefully to people talk about getting to know someone or a first meeting with a new partner. The people discussing the meeting have likely skipped the part about the ten attempts (or 30, see Seanice Lojede episode). The key is to attract a meaningful stranger into a conversation each day. Say it however you like, but the intentions have to be nearly flawless. "Check-mark" attempts at offering help won't do, but something or someone that is truly and specifically valuable may. The offer has to be so benign, easy and simple that the stranger's innate nerves for nurture, mastery, and connection kick in instead of fear.

The conversation with yourself when you first wake.

“Self, should I get up or hit the snooze?...” Of course, the conversation goes best when you treat it like a conversation. Will your mind to order your body to jump up before you count from five to one (Mel Robbins’ trick). Get up and do the hardest thing first or the most valuable to others and your wealth. Set a morning routine. Our first conversation daily is a parental conversation by our mind to our bodies to tell them what to, pretty strongly (to yourself :-)).