This month we also did a short section on the Russian investigation. Something that has been less and less in the news compared to it having dominated the media for over two years. Do you think that the Russia investigations are hurting the country or helping the country? 64% hurting, an uptick. 36%, helping. What should happen to President Trump for his actions? Impeach, 36%. Censured, 21%. No action, 42%. Again, we're seeing impeachment trend down from 40 to 36%. Do you think evidence of collusion was found? That has now dropped to 37%, it was as high as 41. Do you think that there's evidence of obstruction? That's at 42%. So, nothing that approaches the magic 50% mark, let alone the two thirds required to convict in the Senate.Meanwhile, do you think bias against Trump and the FBI played a role in launching the investigations? That has jumped up to 55%, and although it was trending down for a number of months, those who favor a special counsel to investigate the FBI are back up to 66%. And 81% favor releasing of all information. And, if the Department of Justice Inspector General finds that there was wrongdoing in the start of this investigation, 54% believe that those responsible should face justice, including possibly going to jail. Right, and 15% say the findings of the Trump, Russia probe should be thrown out, given that the start was tainted. Both, 22%. So you're looking here at substantial majorities, if the Inspector General report says that there were improprieties in the creation of this investigation, who believe that there should be real accountability, including people possibly going to jail.Given the Mueller report, do you think we should turn the page on investigations of President Trump? Yes, 55% say turn the page. If Democrats launched scores of new investigations, would you be more likely to vote for them? 26. Less likely, 35. No effect, 39. And this is kind of an important question, do you think Democrats in Congress are doing too much, too little, or about right to investigate Donald Trump? Too much, 41. Too little, 32. 27, about right. So, you could read that question any which way you want, you could say about right, and too little is 59, or you can say too much and about right is 68. But I think you are seeing here tremendous investigation fatigue, as you see these numbers ... as these numbers trending, and most importantly, I think that question turn the page got 55% now. So, we'll see, we're all waiting for the final report by the Inspector General, and that will either close the book on everything most likely, or it'll open up a whole series of new investigations and possible prosecutions. And at the same time, the Democrats are continuing down the road of impeachment, but they're not picking up any steam for it. Even Tom Steyer, the Democratic candidate, looks like he won't be making it to the next round despite having ... in the presidential debates, despite having spent substantial amounts of his own money on TV advertising.

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