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So, what's happening with the job approval of President Trump, given all of the chaos and issues and the partisan fights that we're seeing over impeachment? Well, this poll was taken just before the formal inquiry really was announced, but during the buildup and already information out about the whistleblower. So given all that, would we be expected a significant change in President Trump's job approval? We might have, but that's not what we saw. What we've seen over the last couple of months, May, June, July, August, September, is a creeping back up of President Trump's approval, this month at 46% approve, 54% disapprove. I looked at a number of other polls out there, saw this similar trend that he was, until hit with a full-scale impeachment and the imbroglio over the whistleblower complaint, he was trending up. We'll see what happened next month, and whether or not he in fact drops to the bottom of the range, which we've seen before after incidents like this breakout.

Specifically, let's take a look at some of his job approval on some of the most important areas of the Presidency. His highest approval is for stimulating jobs 55%, the economy 54%, fighting terrorism 52%, immigration 47%, approval on foreign affairs 43%, and administering the government 44&%. If you look at the trend data, he's actually doing a little bit better on administering the government, stayed about the same range on foreign affairs, stayed about the same range on immigration, fighting terrorism, a little off highs, which were as strong as 56%, and stimulating jobs, also down from the high of 62 to 55%. So, still a significant majority approving of the job that he's doing on the economy, but off the highs that we had when 3.2% growth was announced.

Right track, wrong track of the country, 37% see the country as the right track, 55% wrong track. No real change in this question, been stable for the last three or four months. Right track, wrong track on the economy, 44% right track, 44% wrong track. We have seen this fluctuate significantly. This is, again, towards the lower end of the range. Right track was as high as 51% last March and April, when those great growth figures came out, been trending down each month. Came up just slightly in the last month. So, they still approve of the job being done on the economy, but with all of the talk about recession, some people became less certain as they were several months ago about the success and strength of this economy.

You see the same thing in the question, how strong do you think the U.S. economy is today? The percentage that sees it strong, 66% is, again, same as last month. 34% see it as weak. Again, fairly stable but down from the high of 74%. So you've really seen ... Started out, the administration, it was 61%, went as high as the mid 70s, back to the high 60s. So a lot of the economic enthusiasm has come a little bit off of the edge, although anything over 50% has got to be more helpful to someone who's sitting there with a job approval below 50%.

Would you say your own personal financial situation is improving, which was 36% getting worse, 36% just as well off. Oh sorry, getting worse 25%, and just as well off 36%, and no opinion around 5%. Again, not a lot of change here. Trending down from the highs, but still about in the same range that it has been. The big jump up in improving happened really in the Christmas season of 2017, and has stayed up pretty much there with something over a third really seeing their economics continuing to improve, and really only about 25% seeing their economics get worse. And again, that's up from 21% a few months ago.

Now interestingly, we have seen, for a number of months, that the approval of the Republican Party was slightly lower than the approval for the Democratic Party, but the Democratic Party had an edge. And when you look at this month's polling, it's a little bit different. Let's look at the Republican Part

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Harvard Harris Poll

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