Now let's take a look about the questions on impeachment. We've run a question for a very long period of time now. Do you think that for his actions President Trump should be impeached and removed from office, censured by Congress, or no action should be taken? 45% say impeach and remove, 15% censured, 40% no action. So if you look at that 55% the way I would look at it, say censure or no action, said censure is a mild resolution. 45% look for removal. Most of the time, that has run around 39%. Once the Ukraine situation occurred, and given the actual impeachment by the house, that went up five or six points. It went down to 43 I think. And now it's come back up to 45. It's not a majority. It's within the zone of partisanship. And as I said, 55%, so the indictment by the house did not significantly move opinion. But they do have, American public, has significant concerns about what happened with the Ukraine, and I think that comes through in the questions.

36% say they were paying very close attention to this, 76% say that somewhat or very, meaning most of the has been following what's going on here, about three-quarters. Do you think that they provide compelling evidence for impeaching Trump or not? 54% say there's compelling evidence, 46% not presented compelling evidence. Do you think President Trump asking the president of Ukraine to investigate whether the Bidens were involved represents treason, bribery or high crimes and ... again, 55% say that ... and remember when we asked them, do you want to remove him for office, actually only 45% say that. So there's a fair number of people here who think what the president did is wrong but wouldn't remove him from office. That's the 15% who say censure is the right way to go, the swing voters in America. It's very clear, even on this issue, that there's a swing vote, typically a 15 or sometimes as high as 20%, but you see it quite clearly.

Do you think Trump asking the president of Ukraine to investigate whether the Bidens were involved in corruption and then temporarily withholding foreign aid until they accepted represents treason, bribery or other high crimes? Again, 56% say that. So they do condemn the president's behavior, but a majority says, don't take them out of office for that. Then we said, which is closer to your viewpoint, asking Ukraine to open investigation for the Bidens, given that Hunter Biden and his partners received hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees advising Ukrainian energy company without any energy experiences is fair request? Or asking the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens as tantamount to asking a foreign country to intervene in the US election, given the Joe Biden's a candidate for president?

Now, interestingly, that question now split right down the middle and at 50/50. Then which is closer to your view, asking the Ukraine to open an investigation of the Bidens, that former vice president Joe Biden is on the record saying he withheld $1 billion in aid until it removed a general prosecutor, or asking the Ukraine of Biden's is tantamount asking a foreign country to intervene in the US election? That went 52%. it was a fair request.

So within the country, where 45% says remove him from office up from 39, 15% says censure. Within that, there's still an argument depending upon how these charges are presented and how they are defended that moves it back and forth within the context here of the 55 to 45% range. Do you support or oppose the house of representatives voting to impeach Trump? People were fine with the house of representatives voting. 56% say they were fine with them voting on it. 44% opposed them voting. I think that question doesn't really ... it's a slightly unclear question because we ask them whether they support or opposing the vote as opposed to support or oppose the impeachment itself. It says, "Look, there's a fair idea that they would vote."

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