Host: presidential pollster Mark Penn
Subject: findings of newest Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll
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The poll, fielded April 14-16 among 2,394 registered voters, shows Americans changing from concerned purely about the virus to greater concern about the economy. Focusing on the economy and jobs is gaining in salience -- this is now the second most important issue in the country (41% of voters) after the management of the coronavirus crisis (the top issue for voters, at 63%). Four in 10 voters report their financial situation is getting worse (a 20 point jump since January); and only 32% say the economy is on the right track (down from 51% in January).

Americans back the current lockdown in overwhelming numbers, and a majority thinks it should continue for about a month. Americans are optimistic about overcoming the virus and getting back to normal.

President Trump’s approval stands at 49%, tied for a record high in our poll. Fifty-one percent approve of his work on the virus, slightly up. Voters continue to approve of his stewardship of the economy. He trails Joe Biden in the horserace for re-election but the race is within a few points among likely voters.

Overall, voters believe President Trump and Congress should pass another stimulus bill, with the majority believing the bill should help fund small business loans and struggling hospitals, but not other priorities. Nearly all voters today agree that sufficient protective materials for healthcare workers and social distance orders for at-risk populations are necessary steps before re-opening the economy.

Voters are not happy over the partisanship around the coronavirus response. However, most now see Trump as acting more out of national interest and 60% see Nancy Pelosi as acting out of partisanship. For the first time Republicans have an image equal to or better than Democrats as a party.

Fifty-six percent believe individual states should make their own decisions about the response to the crisis and 61% want individual states to be in charge of the decision to ease social distancing and remove restrictions to reopen the US economy.

These and more issues are touched in this rich and fascinating poll on Americans' views. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and suggestions.

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