Well, given the attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, we did some polling on Iran this month. First, we really start out do you consider each of the following an ally, an enemy, or neutral towards the United States? We polled on Iran, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, NATO, the European Union. The European Union, 58% say is an ally, not an overwhelming number. Not 90%. NATO, 51%. So clearly there are a lot of people who believe that our quote allies are maybe not allies, but more neutral in dealing with us. Turkey seen more as neutral than an ally. Saudi Arabia seen a little bit, 24% as an ally, 41% as an enemy. China, 13% ally, 51% enemy. Russia, 10% as ally and 63% enemy. But Iran has the top spot as an enemy or perceived enemy of the United States. 6% ... I don't know who the 6% would be, see it as an ally. 76% see it as an enemy. Do you think Iran is a peaceful force in the Mid East? No. 81% say that it contributes to conflict and instability. 69% say the government in Iran does not have the support of its people. 83% say Iran is run by a group of religious leaders and is not a working democracy.

Nevertheless, do you approve or disapprove of the government handling of Iran? 53 disapprove, 47 approve. Do you think President Trump is too tough? Too tough is 22%, too lenient 40%, just right 38%. So if anything, more people say that Trump could be a little tougher against the Iranians. They support tougher action, but they're measured in their response. And it's really important to understand how measured. 72% support additional sanctions, right, and 58% support sending a moderate number of troops and air and missile defenses to Saudi Arabia. So they're into more sanctions, more missiles, more defenses.

Do they think that we're going to get into a war? 29% think it's low, 34% think it's high, 64% would not want to see another U.S. led military engagement in the Mid East. And 71% think that the United States should continue to negotiate diplomatically. And there was more news coming out every day about potential meetings with the Iranians, and potential negotiations, that only 29% would like to see a military strike. And they would oppose it. I mean, what they're really saying is if they continue to attack Saudis or Saudi installations, that the United States should not be the actor responding. It would be Saudi Arabia. And would you support or oppose the U.S. government launching a military strike on Iran if Iran attacks U.S. military assets, then it all changes. This question is a strong warning to Iran, which is don't go after U.S. assets, because then it flips around. 73% would then support a retaliatory strike. And then about half the country would support an attack on Iran if they announced they had nuclear weapons.

So you see that Iran is viewed as the most important, most implacable enemy against the United States, but that the public wants a very nuanced, moderated view, because they do not want to have a rush to war given what has happened in the past.

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