The monthly Harvard Harris Poll is where we talk about the American public, and using 2,000 interviews with registered voters, really analyze what they think about today's hot issues.In particular, not only are we going to cover the 2020 election, but we're also going to do deep dives into the economy, immigration, guns, and of course, growing concern about tech companies over the subject of antitrust.You won't to miss the in-depth topics that we cover in this month's Harvard Harris poll. And by the way, if you want to follow me on Twitter, for the polls, go to Mark_Penn_Polls.This month we interviewed 2,214 registered voters between July 31st and August 1st by The Harris Poll. We of course weighted the results by age, gender, region, race, ethnicity, martial status, you named it. And we keep parties ID similar from poll to poll, so we don't show a lot of the random variation that some of the other polls show. We think that's a much better technique.Let's dive into the data that came back this month. This is not going to be one of the most exciting months. A lot of this was taken, and in fact all of it was taken before the incidents occurred of violence and shooting both in Texas and Ohio. So we're going to see next month how those incidents really may have changed public opinion.

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