Trump approval has been edging up for several months now, and the president was at 47 percent approval as of the end of November. At the same time, the impeachment testimonies have not moved the dial among voters despite high visibility and wall to wall media coverage. Voters say they are split on whether the public congressional testimonies presented any compelling evidence to impeach Trump (52% said “yes”; 48% said “no”).

Our poll also shows no change in impeachment sentiment between October and November, with 43% of voters supporting impeaching and removing President Trump from office; 18% supporting formally censuring the president; and 39% believing no action should be taken.

Impeachment has furthermore settled into partisan fault lines with independents increasingly split on the issue: 70% of GOPers want no action to be taken; 72% of Democrats want the president to be impeached and removed from office; and Independents are split with 40% saying impeach and remove from office, 39% saying no action should be taken, and 20% in favor of censure.

Overall, voters are split on whether impeachment is a waste of time (53%) or an important process (47%), and fifty three percent of voters believe we should focus more on 2020 election than impeachment.