The final week in our series “Understanding Grace” has us looking at the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints. We understand that salvation is entirely a work of God, starting with the understanding of Total Depravity and continuing through Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and finally, Perseverance of the Saints. We take a look at how God's hold on believers is unwavering, providing refuge and protection. 

Consider these questions as you think about the message this week:

1. How does the concept of Total Depravity shape our understanding of salvation? How does it highlight the need for God's preserving work in our lives?

2. In what ways does the imagery of God as a refuge and fortress provide comfort and assurance for believers? How does this contrast with other forms of refuge we may seek in the world?

3. What is the significance of the statement from the Westminster Confession of Faith, "This faith has different degrees of strength and weakness. It may be attacked and weakened often, and in many ways, but it gets the victory"? How does this perspective on faith impact our outlook in times of spiritual struggle or doubt?

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