Most people offer one of three reasons why they eat plant-based.  What matters for you doesn't have to be one of the three...what matters is the 'why' for you.

Today's show looks at each of the three 'whys' with guests who have appeared on past episodes of the show as well as ways you can deepen your own connection.

Do you have a question or concern about your journey to eating plant-based vegan food?  Reach out to Mark Dillon at

Check out the blog and join the conversation at or directly to the blog post with all the links mentioned for this episode at

Hear The Full Interview With:


Kathy Freston

The Spork Foods sisters
Russell Simmons

Dr Douglas Lisle

Dr Thomas Campbell

Dr Michael Greger

Enjoy great plant-based food and Buy An Instant Pot.  Then get out and move your amazing body and track it to stay motivated.  Connect the food to your 'why' and to your body!

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