On the eve of the centennial of small coastal town Antonio Bay in Northern California, old Mr. Machen tells ghost stories to children by a campfire on the beach. One story is about a clipper ship that crashed against the rocks nearby, causing all of its crew to drown after mistaking a campfire for a lighthouse while sailing through an unearthly fog. Machen finishes the story as midnight strikes, and paranormal activity begins occurring around the town. Town priest, Father Malone, discovers his grandfather's diary. The journal reveals that a century earlier, in 1880, the six founders of Antonio Bay (including Malone's grandfather) deliberately wrecked a clipper ship named the Elizabeth Dane, so that its wealthy, leprosy-afflicted owner Blake would not establish a leper colony nearby. The conspirators used the gold plundered from the ship to establish the town.

Meanwhile, out at sea, a strange, glowing fog envelops a fishermen's trawler. The fog brings with it the Elizabeth Dane, carrying the vengeful ghosts of Blake and his crew, who kill the fishermen. The following morning, local radio DJ Stevie Wayne is given a piece of driftwood by her son Andy, who found it on the beach. It is inscribed with the word "DANE". Stevie takes it with her to the lighthouse where she broadcasts her radio show. As she is listening to music on a cassette, the driftwood begins seeping water. As the water touches her cassette player, a man's voice is inexplicably heard on the tape, swearing revenge, and the words "6 must die" appear on the wood before it bursts into flames. Stevie extinguishes the fire and sees that the wood once again reads "DANE", and the tape is once again playing normally.

Town residents Nick and Elizabeth find the lost fishing trawler adrift and the corpse of one of the fishermen. Later, while Elizabeth is in the autopsy room alone, the fisherman's corpse briefly comes to life and accosts her before collapsing. Nick and coroner Dr. Phibes see the now-lifeless corpse has carved the number 3 on the floor with a scalpel. That evening, as the town begins its celebrations, local weatherman Dan is killed by the ghosts at the weather station. The fog has returned and starts moving inland, disrupting the town's telephone and power lines. Using a backup generator, Stevie begs her listeners to go to her house and save her son. The ghosts kill her son's babysitter but Nick and Elizabeth rescue Andy.

Stevie advises her listeners to head to the town's church, but then finds herself trapped and under siege by the ghosts when the fog envelops her lighthouse. Seeking refuge inside the church, a group of townsfolk finds a large gold cross in the wall cavity, made from the rest of the stolen gold from the Elizabeth Dane, just as the fog begins enveloping the church and the ghosts begin their attack. Malone, knowing that the ghosts have returned to take six lives in lieu of the six original conspirators, offers the gold and himself to spare the others. The ghost of Blake himself seizes the gold cross and he and his crew disappear in a blinding flash of light as the fog miraculously vanishes. Stevie, now alone again at the lighthouse, warns her listeners that the fog could come again and instructs any ships that can hear her to keep an eye out for it.

After everyone leaves the church, Malone remains inside and wonders why he was spared given that there were only five deaths. The fog then reappears along with the ghosts, and Blake decapitates Malone, making six.