Lister (Craig Charles) and the Cat (Danny John-Jules) are tricked into attempting to buy a useless drinks stirring device from an automated telemarketing system, "All-Droid". Meanwhile, Rimmer (Chris Barrie) has once again failed to pass his astro-navigation test, and has not become an officer like his three brothers. At that moment, the crew discover a derelict "Quantum Twister" ship, SS Trojan, which is driven by a "quantum rod". While messing with the rod, Rimmer inadvertently summons a ship which carries a hologram of his brother Howard (Mark Dexter). Despite Howard's ship being in dire trouble, Rimmer opts to try to pass another exam to become an officer, and match his brother, before rescuing him.

Rimmer's attempts to revise for a further exam go badly, and after the other three crew members best him in a question about moose-related car accidents in the 1970s Sweden, Rimmer's light bee crashes due to a buildup of "resentment". Kryten (Robert Llewellyn) manages to restart it by "purging" his resentment, but since he is out of time to sit an exam, he decides to lie to his brother instead.

Rimmer and the other members of the crew dress up in Space Corps uniforms and welcome Howard aboard Trojan, with Rimmer posing as the ship's captain. Howard is accompanied by a simulant, Crawford (Susan Earl), and is dumbfounded that his brother appears to be a successful officer. After a tour of the ship, Howard becomes increasingly jealous of Rimmer and crashes due to a buildup of resentment, as Rimmer had earlier. After Howard's resentment is purged, Crawford reveals herself to be a simulant rebel, and intends to shoot everyone on board to free herself from human servitude. At this moment Lister finally manages to get through to a sales representative for All-Droid after days of being put on hold. Frustrated, Lister reaches for the phone, prompting Crawford to shoot; the shot misses Lister and instead heads for Rimmer. Howard places himself between Rimmer and Crawford, mortally wounding himself. Crawford is defeated by Kryten and the Cat, who upload Howard's resentment into her, causing her to crash. Howard, dying of his injuries, reconciles with Rimmer and admits that he wasn't an officer as was thought; like Rimmer, he was merely a vending machine repairman. Rimmer does not reciprocate the gesture, and merely reduces the size of his lie slightly (claiming that he had one fewer car than he had bragged, but was still wildly successful).

Later on, on board Red Dwarf, Lister has re-purposed Crawford's body as a drink stirring machine, and Rimmer is smugly satisfied that his brother died a low-ranking repairman after years of picking on his younger brother. But the computer system is updated with news of Howard's death, and due to his bravery, Howard is posthumously awarded the Platinum Star of Fortitude, with the recommendation that Red Dwarf be renamed S.S. Howard Rimmer. Rimmer suffers another resentment-fueled crash.