No One On The Line". A man suspects his wife is cheating on him, so he kills her lover. Today we're going to accompany Mr. Harvey Benson through a fateful 24 hours of his life. Our visit with Harvey Benson begins on a Wednesday evening in summer. Harvey, a self made businessman is smoking a cigar and reading the paper while his wife, Linda, reads a book. It's really quite a picture of peaceful domesticity. What could possibly be wrong? Reviewed by Kitty + We're going to accompany Harvey Benson in a fateful 24 hours of his life... Our visit with Harvey Benson begins on a Wednesday evening in summer. Harvey, a self made businessman is smoking a cigar and reading the newspaper, while his wife Linda, reads a book. It's quite a picture of peaceful domesticity, until the telephone rings. Harvey answers, and hears the click as someone replaces the handset when they hear his voice.