(April 5, 2016) Our guest today one of the most exciting careers I know…. PAULA PIMENTA. Brazilian bestselling author, sold over 1MM books to young adults in Brazil, Spain, Portugal and Italy so far.

10 of the 20 Brazilian bestselling books last december/2015 were written by her. In 2013, she was one of the authors included in the anthology “The Book of Princesses”, next to authors like Meg Cabot and Lauren KateHer

1st book: Shooting my life’s script – Fani’s premiere has been released in English. Was chosen by Epoca magazine as one of 100 most influential Brazilians in 2012. Also a columnist in “Veja” magazine and the newspaper “O Tempo”.

In this talk, she tells her story, in English, for the first time.

I’m sure this interview will inspire all of you to follow your dreams and never give up on having an exciting career like hers!

We talk about:

– How she helped the young adult Brazilian readers recover the passion for reading,

– her Success Habits, writing routine and tricks that help her keep her creativity so high and bestselling position for so many years.

– how she convinced the publisher of her book,

– why she got married at Disneyworld

– what she thinks of Digital Nomads

Quotes:“When you live abroad, it's kind of lonely so my characters made me company. They were my friends so I couldn't wait to meet them in my story."

"Yes I think this is the secret to write well. When I was writing my first novel, I wrote a book that I wanted to read. I didn't know yet that I was going to publish it. I just wanted to, I wanted to read a book that I couldn't find in anywhere, so I wrote it."

"Mari: So, can you tell people why is it that you decided to get married at Disney World?  Paula: Well it's because I wanted to live happily ever after."

"I'm always listening to music while I'm writing. I put songs that help me to construct the setting of the thing I'm writing." 

"I think we should write the same type of book we like to read," because you will spend a lot of time with your books. So, you need to like it, because the readers feel the passion that you put in the pages."

Links and Resources from this episode: 

Livros da Paula (Paula’s books)
Scrivener (tool that helps writer’s writing process) 
Shotting my life script (Paula’s book on Kindle in English)
La estrella de Fani (Paula’s book in Spanish - Viviendo mi película)
Martha Medeiros
Meg Cabot

Thanks for Listening!


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