This week we look at why the Supreme Court has asked the solicitor general to weigh in on a medical marijuana case they are considering. Then we take a look at the latest developments in New York and New Jersey as they gear up for adult use sales. And finally, we look at a new study that debunks the amotivational syndrome myth, at least for college students, while the NCAA moves to lower marijuana penalties for student athletes.

We’ll be discussing all those stories and more on the BEST cannabis podcast in the business...

As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!” 

Segment 1 - Will the SCOTUS Weigh In on MMJ for Workers Comp?

Segment 2 - New York and New Jersey’s Coming Sticker Shock

Segment 3 - College Stoners Are More Motivated Than Sober Students


Big Finish Links:

Americans for Safe Access State of the States 2021 Report:


Leafly’s 2022 Jobs Report:


This episode of Marijuana Tomorrow is brought to you by Cannabeta Realty and The Emerald Farm Tours.