This week Shaleen Title joins us to talk about her meeting with Senator Schumer, and her latest paper, "Bigger is Not Better: Preventing Monopolies in the National Cannabis Market" and then we look at the bizarre decision by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to recall hundreds of vape products. And finally we turn our attention to a new program MedMen launched that they’re calling the Cannasseur Personal Concierge Service.

We’ll be discussing all those stories and more on the BEST cannabis podcast in the business...

As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!” 


Segment 1 - CAOA is Coming in April


"Bigger is Not Better: Preventing Monopolies in the National Cannabis Market"


Segment 2 - Pennsylvania Recalls 650 Medical Marijuana Vape Products


Segment 3 - WTF is a Cannasseur?


Big Finish links - Buy Lily Krane’s Girl Scout Cookies


This episode of Marijuana Tomorrow is brought to you by Cannabeta Realty and The Emerald Farm Tours.