This week we’ll look at the 1 year anniversary of the Biden administration as cannabis campaign promises languish while some minor marijuana reforms moved forward. And then we’ll turn our attention to a new column published in Bloomberg Law about the flaws in the current federal legalization proposals.  And finally, we have a new segment we’re calling “What is the DEA up to today?” as the drug enforcement cowboys take their new museum exhibit on the road while also adding a host of new chemical compounds to their infamous Schedule 1.

We’ll be discussing those stories and more on the BEST cannabis podcast in the business...

As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!” 


Opening Monologue Link:


Segment 1 - Life Long Drug Warrior Continues War on Drugs

Segment 2 - Flaws in Federal Cannabis Bills Threaten the Legal Market

Segment 3 - What’s the DEA up to today?

Big Finish links -


Buy Lily Krane’s Girl Scout Cookies


This episode of Marijuana Tomorrow is brought to you by Cannabeta Realty and The Emerald Farm Tours.

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