This week we look at Bank of America’s decision to cancel the accounts of noted cannabis researcher, Dr. Sue Sisley. And then we’ll look at a story from Jacob Sullum in Reason magazine, asking if the Democrats are serious about passing legalization or just want credit for trying? And finally we’ll preview the two competing cannabis business conventions in Las Vegas this week, where both Kris and Shanita are enjoying themselves. 

We’ll be discussing these stories and more on the BEST cannabis podcast in the business...

As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!” 


Segment 1 - Bank of America no friend of Cannabis Research


Segment 2 - Are Democrats Serious About Legalizing Marijuana?

Segment 3 - A Tale of Two Vegas Cannabis Conventions episode of Marijuana Tomorrow is brought to you by Cannabeta Realty.