A dozen people with cannabis convictions were part of Trump's last minute pardons and commutations. We look at what it means for our system of Justice when insiders get clemency but thousands of other petitions get ignored.  Then we look back at our predictions for the Trump administration 4 years ago and see what we got right and what we got wrongk about the ex-President and how the cannabis industry fared under his administration.  And finally, we take a look at a recent cross border dispute between the US and Mexico that could threaten the future of anti-drug cooperation between the two countries. 

We’ll be discussing all this and more on the BEST cannabis podcast in the business!

As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!” ----more----SHOW NOTES

Segment 1 - 144 Pardons and Commutations and Cannabis are 12



Segment 2: What a difference 4 years makes… 35,064 little hours…



Segment 3 - US-Mexico Relations
