Why the DEA has issued a subpoena to the California Bureau of Cannabis Control for information pertaining to business licenses and shipping manifests?  And what's up with the new bill that was just passed unanimously in the California Assembly that would aggressively punish those working with unlicensed cannabis businesses in the Golden State, with fines of up to $30,000 per day, all while the racial disparities in arrests continue and in fact, have gotten worse since legalization began in earnest? And finally, we have a special guest this week for our Ask a Canna Scientist segment, as our old friend Dr. Jahan Marcu joins us to talk about testing standards and his new work with the organization Athletes for Care.

We’ll be discussing all this and more on the best marijuana podcast in the business.


As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!”




Segment 1: DEA Go Away!



Segment 2 - Arrests are Down but Racial Disparities Persist in CA




Segment 3 - Ask A Canna Scientist with Dr. Jahan Marcu

