This week we look at a closed door meeting held earlier this month of cannabis regulators, industry leaders and some advocates, as they attempt to strategize about a wide range of policy considerations from promoting equity in the industry, to interstate commerce, and preventing youth use, all while efforts continue in Congress to get a comprehensive bill that could get 60 votes in the Senate. And then we’ll turn our attention to some more negative economic news from some major cannabis industry players and ask if a cannabis industry recession is ahead of us, or already upon us?

We’ll be discussing all those stories and more on the BEST cannabis podcast in the business...

As we like to say around here, “Everyone knows what happened in marijuana today, but you need to know what’s happening in Marijuana Tomorrow!” ----more----Segment 1 - Behind Closed Doors In The Room Where It Happens



Segment 2 - Is A Cannabis Recession Upon Us?


This episode of Marijuana Tomorrow is brought to you by the Cannabeta Realty and the Emerald Farm Tours.