In 2019, Lou Costa of Ironmill partnered with Manlihood on a blog campaign entitled “Rise Up”

We wrote weekly blog posts exploring manhood, and calling men to step into more.

We shot a handful of videos to go along with our posts, but we never used them.

In June of 2021, Lou passed away unexpectedly. It was a shock to not only his biological family, but to the family he built around him as well.

After he died, I dug out the unused footage that we shot. It was raw, powerful, and I think it deserves to be a part of Lou’s Legacy.

Some day, Lou’s sons are going to Google his name. I want them to be able to see his face, to hear his voice, and see into his mind.

So these episodes are dedicated to my friend Louis James. Costa.

Growing up in a small town has its challenges. Especially now, as small towns have been wrecked with the opioid epidemics, poverty, and other related issues. Lou talks about how men need to take ownership of their community.

Josh talks about the power of personal resurrection, of rising up from the dead, transforming into a new person.

This episode references these blog posts written by Josh and Lou.

Bradford Badfish by Louis J. Costa
Resurrection by Josh Hatcher