WANTED: Men Thirsty For Adventure and Ready to CHANGE.

A few years ago I wrote a book and workbook called "Change Your Life in a Year"

I wrote it after doing it. I wrote and published several books. I lost 100 pounds. I changed my mindset and my attitude. Life was going the way I wanted. 

I find myself in a spot where I need to go through that process again. I need to go to the next level.

I want to take some guys with me.

Basically - in 2023, we're going to set some big hairy goals, we're going to break them down and we're going to do them.

1. This is going to cost you some money.

2. This is going to be hard as hell.

3. This is going to be worth every penny and every ounce of pain you put into this.

EMAIL Me if you want to do this. [email protected] 

DON'T EMAIL ME if you are going to complain or make excuses. 

You either want to be a different person in 2024 or you want to stay the same. 

DON'T EMAIL ME if you expect everything for free.

DON'T EMAIL ME if you are not teachable and coachable.

DON'T EMAIL ME if you think you're better than me, or that I'm better than you. We're in this together.

Change Your Life in a Year Book: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Your-Life-Year-Discipline/dp/1670799670

Change Your Life in a Year Workbook:  https://www.amazon.com/Change-Your-Life-Year-Workbook/dp/1670412881/

For More From Josh Hatcher at Manlihood.com




Manlihood Purpose , Mission, Vision, and Values


Because the world needs men to lead in their families and communities, and because so many men have struggled to understand their value, Manlihood exists to help men become better men.


The Manlihood Mission is to Educate, Equip, and Entertain Men in an Engaging Way.  


The Manlihood vision is to create resources to educate and equip men, to foster a thriving community of men, where bonds of brotherhood and accountability form. We seek to help men be better fathers, husbands, leaders, friends. We want to build through Manlihood a financially sustainable architecture that can support itself, but also to incubate ideas and opportunities from within the Manlihood community that support our purpose and mission.


1. Men matter. 

2. Family matters.

3. Integrity and Honor matter.

4. Personal Responsibility matters. (If it is to be, it’s up to me.)

5. Men thrive and grow in community and brotherhood with each other.

6. Truth is everywhere. Wisdom knows how to pick it out.

7. Men should value and respect women. (People should respect people.)

8. Perseverance, Self-control and Self-discipline are sacred and essential.

9. Words are powerful, and how we use them matters.

10. Leadership is steeped in influence and responsibility. (Everyone is a leader, and everyone should embrace and nurture that role.)