Testicular Fortitude means having deep seated masculine courage and strength. Balls. Guts. Manlihood. 

Testicular Fortitude on the Manlihood ManCast is where we take a look at men who have beat the odds, men whose courage has left a lasting legacy. 

Testicular Fortitude

Do you have testicular fortitude? Do you want to embrace your life of courage? Join our elite group of powerhouse men who are changing the world. http://Manlihood.com/brotherhood

We’ve talked before about the powerful masculinity of Santa Claus. We wanted to call back to some of those stories for our Testicular Fortitude Series.

We know Santa Claus as a chubby white-haired man that wears red clothing and gives gifts to children, but much of that modern image was created by 19th century poets and the Coca Cola Company. The truth is he was a man with balls.