Judge Joe Brown is known for his popular syndicated television show, where he served as an actual judge, passing down arbitration to criminals and offenders. Judge Joe has since retired, but his show is still seen in syndication, and his firm but common sense opinions are currently rippling through Twitter.

In this interview with Josh Hatcher of Manlihood, Judge Joe Brown talks about what a man ought to be, the politics behind the latest sexual revolution, and he tells stories of his time on the bench.

Judge Brown’s opinions aren’t for everyone. But as a man who has served his country on the bench of justice, he’s earned the right to have his opinions… and many of those opinions make a lot more sense than the current cultural narratives of faux tolerance and division.

Judge, we appreciate you taking the time to do this interview and share your thoughts with us! You are a true gentleman, and we need more men like you in this world!

Judge Joe Brown on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudgeJoeBrownTV

Judge Joe’s BBQ: https://www.jjbbbq.com/

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