Men long for adventure

As we talk to outdoor tv personality and wilderness guide Jim Shockey on this episode of the Manlihood ManCast, we learn about the way people crave adventure, the way the outdoors is healing, and the importance of hunting for managing the balance of nature.

Jim Shockey is an award-winning outdoor writer, hunter, wildlife photographer and videographer, outfitter and wilderness guide, and naturalist.

Shockey owns several outfitting territories in the Canadian wildlands, and helps many adventurers trek through the backwoods on epic hunts.

He’s also known for his proficiency with muzzleloaders, rifles, and archery.

Jim Shockey on Television

Shockey is the former producer and host of Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures and Jim Shockey's Uncharted on Outdoor Channel and Jim Shockey's The Professionals on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel.

He has won 15 Golden Moose Awards from 2009-2017.

More About Jim Shockey

He is a retired Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of 4 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (4CRPG)

Canadian Armed Forces and is a Member International of the Explorer's Club in New York City.

Jim attended Simon Fraser University and Carleton University and was an all-American swimmer and member of the Canadian National Water polo team, attending two World Championships.

Jim Shockey and the Hand of Man Museum

In this episode of the Manlihood ManCast, Jim Shockey talks about his lifelong project, The Hand of Man Museum. When he was a young boy, he had a vision to create this museum, and he has spent his whole life collecting  natural history and ethnographic arts from Western Canada.

In 2019, he opened the Hand of Man Museum of Cultural Arts and Conservation on Vancouver Island, Canada. Tens of thousands have been through this amazing museum, which is funded entirely by voluntary donations.

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