Strongman, strength coach, philosopher, and father figure to millions of YouTube followers Elliot Hulse speaks with Josh Hatcher of the Manlihood ManCast.

Modern culture is rejecting masculinity, and that rejection has been orchestrated for quite some time.

Elliott says that Marxist teachings and philosophy have greatly influenced western culture to abandon the idea of the traditional nuclear families, and the fathers place in it.

The role of the father is important in our culture

Elliot talks about the significance of a man’s influence in the home, his own experiences of rejecting his father’s strictness and toughness, only to later appreciate it when he became a father himself.

Culture must have a rite of passage to manhood.

Looking at the breakdown in modern society and family life, Elliot lays out the similarities with many ancient cultures and their rites of passage, as a boy leaves the world of the mother and joined the atonement of the father.

Elliot Hulse is not a misogynist.

He may have views on gender that run contrary to the feminist movement, and in fact, may even be a little different from my own, and the views of Manlihood as an organization. He loves and respects women, and in this interview talks about a conversation with his daughter after she found a YouTube video online accusing him of being a misogynist.

Elliot Hulse rediscovery if his Christian faith

He talks about how his Christian faith shapes his views on philosophy, the family, culture, and more, and talks about how his quest for purpose and identity and mentoring others led him back to the Christian faith of his youth.

The message of Elliot Hulse is resonating with folks who want to hear it. Almost 2 million subscribers on his Strength Camp YouTube channel, and almost 900k on his Elliot Hulse YouTube channel. It’s worth giving his message some thought and discussion.

More From Elliot Hulse

Elliot Hulse Website

Elliot Hulse YouTube

Strength Camp YouTube

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