Dr. Laura DeCensaris is a functional medicine-trained health strategist for female entrepreneurs, career women, and highly motivated women.

Laura obtained her undergraduate background in health and nutrition from Cornell University, and continued on to graduate programs in clinical nutrition and chiropractic. She then trained with the Institute for Functional Medicine and completed her functional medicine certification. She is currently completing an additional fellowship in Functional Medicine with the Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine.

She’s now venturing into the world of building a supplements line from the ground up for badass women just like you.

Listen to this episode if:
1. You wonder about the research phase of a future endeavor - how much time should you spend working on the future while working in your current revenue streams?
2. You’ve considered alternative paths to market such as white-labeling versus building from the ground up and are interested in the pros/cons of either from a researched pro!
3. You’ve found your health out of alignment and wished that there was one doctor you could go to for coordinated healthcare across the board who knows how to work with fast-paced, ambitious women… hint: here she is!

Grab a glass of wine (or a bottle), grab your biz bestie & tune in!
I can’t wait to hear what you think.

See you in class,

P.s. support Dr. Laura DeCesnaris here: https://www.instagram.com/dr.lauradecesaris/