episode 116

This conversation, like many on MANIFEST THIS, was Divinely guided. Through clicking around online one night, I was introduced to Selome Araya. After reading through her website, I immediately reached out to invite her on the podcast. Her story is a testament of hope, resilience and the power that we all have within to heal from trauma and connect to our soul purpose. Selome is a certified Reiki Master and Teacher, a Healing Practitioner, an Intuitive Spiritual Counsellor, a Mental Health Holistic Healing Practitioner, a Healing Justice Advocate and a Doula. For most of her life she’s been called “too sensitive,” a reality that she now wears as her super power.


In This Episode We Discuss… what HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) means how to protect your energy if you’re highly sensitive how Selome protects herself from taking on other’s energy the metamorphosis she went through to become a healer the darkness and depression Selome survived a teaching by Malidoma Somé that changed her trajectory going home to heal and how this process Divinely led her to her soul’s purpose her first introduction to spirituality her offering, Healing at the Root how Selome protects her energy living in New York accessibility to wellness  how she, as a Capricorn, handled eclipse season  Show Notes ep. 117: Clearing the Line: Lessons from Eclipse Season Return to Yourself Program Selome’s Website Healing the Root Program Selome on Instagram Water in the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé Agape International Spiritual Center ep. 266: Trauma, Depression, Ancestral Wounds and Accessibility to Wellness with Reiki Master and Holistic Healer Selome Araya on the Let it Out Podcast Ashley on Instagram