Many of us believe that intuition is some mystical energy source, but this is far from the truth. At the basic level, intuition is your inner knowing, and every one of us possesses this. Jessica Bubbico is the Founder of Love Your Woo, a collective that looks to take the ‘weird’ out of woo. Jessica is also an intuitive development teacher and helps people learn how to take inspired action by connecting to their intuition. In this episode, we hear about the layers of intuition and how this can show up differently in our lives. We talk about why it is important to have a practice of observation and witnessing. Our minds and egos will always be there, and it is not our mission to get rid of them. Instead, we have to learn how to integrate them into our lives. Our conversation also touches on the fascinating topic of human design and how we can connect this with our inner knowing, times when Meg has turned away from her intuition, and so much more. Tune in to hear it all!

Key Points From This Episode:

Get to know today’s guest, Jessica Bubbico.
When Jessica started her spiritual work and tuning into her intuition.
The stigma that the word ‘woo’ has come to have.
An example of how Meg was detached from her intuition.
There are different layers of intuition.
Some of the misconceptions around intuition; we are actually all connected to ourselves.
What it looks like when you are not connected to your intuition.
The power of cultivating a practice of knowing and observing.
You will never eradicate the mind and ego, so learn how to integrate them.
A story of a time when Meg tuned into her intuition.
Insights into human design and how it allows us to understand ourselves better.
We don’t have to have the answers; we need to know the questions to ask.
An overview of what human design is and the five archetypes.
Understanding human design can help you turn your weaknesses into strengths.
What the Gene Keys can teach us about ourselves.
Hear about what the word miracle means to Jessica.
How you can get in touch with Jessica to find out about her offerings.


“Everybody has a connection to energy; it’s just what’s the way they connect with it, what’s the way they use to speak about that phenomenon?” — Jessica Bubbico [0:05:31]

“A lot of the times, our intuition speaks once and sometimes it’s glaring.” — Jessica Bubbico [0:22:06]

“Rejection is redirection.” — Jessica Bubbico [0:36:40]

“A miracle is a blessing beyond what the mind can comprehend.” — Jessica Bubbico [0:46:18]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Jess Bubbico

Love Your Woo

Gene Keys

Meg Sylvester