Movement is about so much more than just the physical. Every physical movement has an energetic and spiritual component, and if we tap into these elements, we can use them to heal. Joining us today is Kathryn Ziegler, creator of the KLZ Method, a movement approach which promotes a connection to our source energy. Kathryn, who worked previously as a stock trader and then a personal trainer, explains the journey that led her to the point she is at now. We also delve into what each of our seven chakras are about, and which physical activities allow us to link to each of them. Our modern lives are full of stressors, and the type of challenges we are experiencing will determine which chakra we need to connect to. For example, anxiety over debt signals a likely root chakra imbalance, and doing deep sacral movements will alleviate some of our distress by grounding us. Spiritual journeys can be daunting, but Kathryn has a wealth of wisdom and valuable advice for all of you listeners, no matter what stage you are in.

Key Points From This Episode:

The memorable moment when Meghan and Kathryn met.
Kathryn shares what her two best manifestations are.
How Kathryn ended up trading on a stock floor, and the experience she had there.
Energies that are linked to different types of movement.
Why Kathryn transitioned from the trading floor to personal training.
Motivation behind the development of the KLZ method.
The role of root chakra, and the physical movements Kathryn uses to connect to it.
Kathryn explains how movement is about much more than the physical.
Meghan shares some of the sacral movements she uses to link to her root chakra.
What the solar plexus chakra is about.
Some of Kathryn’s favorite exercises for the solar plexus chakra.
Movements that Kathryn and Meghan recommend for the heart chakra.
The importance of listening to our bodies.
Elements that the throat chakra embodies.
Value that comes from listening to our own voices.
Actions which link us to our third eye and crown.
Connections that exist between our chakras.
Hear about the two retreats that Kathryn is going to be holding in the coming months.
Advice from Kathryn for anyone who is just starting on their journey of connecting to their spiritual side.
What miracles mean to Kathryn.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The KLZ Method

The KLZ Method on Instagram

Kathryn Ziegler on Instagram