What does it mean to be living your dream life and how do you get there?


Join your hosts Cassie Parks and Ginny Gane and learn all about what it means to be living your dream life!


To start the episode you will learn about the difference between trying to force your dream life and actually living it.  You will learn why this difference in energy is super important when using the Law of Attraction to manifest what you want.


Next, you will learn Cassie and Ginny's definition of dream life and what it means to be living it.


Then, the girls will be diving deep into the importance of dreams and dreaming when manifesting your dream life.  You will also learn all about why you do not have to believe you can have your dream life in order to live it.


As the episode winds down Ginny and Cassie will discuss the importance of putting your focus into the aspects of your dream life that are in your current reality and letting go of the rest.  


Finally, Cassie and Ginny will discuss how your dream life will continue to evolve as you continue on your path.


If you need a new perspective on what living your dream life means, or how to start living it, then this is the episode for you!