Before diving into the new year, Cassie and Ginny are talking about how you can be more “you” this year. Manifesting is about being authentically you and aligning with that. 2020 is a great year to see yourself clearly and put yourself in focus and this is an integral part of the law of attraction.

When criticism comes to us from the outside, it can make us feel like we need to change. Cassie says that people can take something that a stranger says to heart, but there’s no need to. She provides examples from the online dating world and reviews that have been posted for this podcast. It’s okay to not be liked by everyone.

It takes courage to stay true to yourself. Ginny tells us that it’s very normal to experience times when you need to be reminded that everything you want comes from within. The energy you put out will align with similar energies, so if you’re putting out energy that isn’t you, you’re not expressing as your most powerful, loving self.

Ginny shares an example of something we can do to stay true to ourselves. This example actually comes from what her mom would tell her when she’d come home after being bullied at school. Cassie then adds in a story of her own about a Facebook message she received.

This world needs you to be you. It’s your purpose. See yourself for who you want to be and who you are in 2020. The law of attraction will automatically and effortlessly bring you the people that are meant to be in your life.

Happy New Years!